What is Tao Te Ching?
The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese text written by Laozi that explores the principles of Taoism, focusing on wisdom, simplicity, and living in harmony with the universe. It’s known for its poetic and concise style, using paradoxes and analogies to convey deep meanings in few words.
This style encourages readers to think deeply and interpret its teachings in their own way.
Despite being written over 2,500 years ago, its insights remain relevant and thought-provoking, making it a timeless guide to understanding life’s complexities and embracing simplicity.
Why is Tao Te Ching hard to understand?
Tao Te Ching was originally written in ancient Chinese, where each character can encompass meanings that require multiple modern Chinese words to fully express. Even for educated Chinese readers, it demands much effort to truly absorb its teachings.
Not to mention, for those reading the English translations, the challenge deepens. The translations often reflect the interpreters’ own understandings and biases, potentially missing some intended essences.
Linguistically, Chinese and English are also two different mindset systems. Thus, any English translations might color or alter the original message of the text.
What is Laozi Speak English?
Tao Te Ching – Laozi Speaks English is created by Cico, creator of Mindiverse.
It’s not intended as just another English translation of Tao Te Ching. But as a channel to tap into the original wisdom via your truest receptor as a human being.
It’s not about understanding the texts literally. But to experience the totality permeating through the book.
Below is the Prologue of Mindiverse’s Tao Te Ching – Laozi Speaks English.
Tao Te Ching – Laozi Speaks English, Prologue
Tao Te Ching (Daodejing), authored by Laozi (Lao Tsu, 老子) more than 2400 years ago, is a piece of classic and timeless writing that precisely reveals the nature of human consciousness. It consists of five thousand Chinese characters beautifully used by Laozi to point to the truth beyond description.
The writing was finished in an age when paper did not even exist. Those words were written on bamboo slips and have survived twenty-four centuries. No one knows why it can be preserved until today, but when one stays unknown without being influenced by anything and sees the timeless value of Tao Te Ching, one must intuit the unspeakable reason.
When one is at all serious in observing oneself, it is rather obvious that the mind is easily trapped in words, taking words as the thing for a convenient but false sense of certainty. However, words are never the thing, and words, which have their functional purpose, can point to the thing, but one must see the thing, which is independent of but may be facilitated by words.
That is to say, one must go beyond the words to see the thing, which demands diligence, care, and seriousness; otherwise, the mind is lost in verbal things, as most people are in this world.
Unlike reading novels and various writings, which immerse the mind in various thoughts and mental images for pleasure and stimulation, reading Tao Te Ching demands one’s direct perception to observe oneself totally to make sense of what Laozi says. Any distortion of self-observation inevitably destroys totality and brings about contradiction in understanding Tao Te Ching.
Totality comes from a state of mind that is free of any patterns. Thoughts, with their pettiness and subtleties, make numerous fragments and patterns, which are in contradiction with each other.
In reading novels, words are important because the mind depends on words for various stimulation; however, in reading Tao Te Ching, words are less important. What matters is not to literally understand Tao Te Ching but to have that totality that preserves the fresh and natural perception. When one devotes one’s energy to come upon the totality, reading Tao Te Ching or not is no longer relevant.
In the past 2400 years, there have been various versions of Chinese interpretation and translation in other languages; however, many of those versions are not free of issues. The hidden role of an interpreter or translator prevents objective observation and, therefore, inevitably degrades the totality and distorts what Laozi means.
The objective observation must be free of any role because any role is, in essence, an observer that inevitably distorts what is being observed, and the distortion is part of the observer’s experience, which is then surreptitiously expressed in the writing.
The observer is the self; what it observes does not include the observer; therefore, is always fragmented and never complete. The observer denies totality. When the observation includes the observer, the observation is complete, and the observer vanishes.
The complete thing is always one, but the fragmentation always has its intrinsic contradiction. Ending the observer demands much more than interpreting or translating Tao Te Ching. Without the former, the latter is meaningless; with the former, the latter might not be necessary.
As long as the observer exists, however subtle it is, one cannot interpret or translate all the chapters of Tao Te Ching in a naturally coherent way because the perception tainted by the observer is inherently contradicted.
This book is not a translation or interpretation of Tao Te Ching because the author of this book does not assume any role of interpreter or translator. He lives what he teaches and teaches what he lives; he happens to be able to speak both Chinese and English, and this book is merely a byproduct of his accidental encounter with Laozi.
Who is Cico?
Cico (Chonghe Zhang, 张冲和) was born in March 1986 in China. In 2014, he moved to Amsterdam superficially for the purpose of doing a PhD, but deeply out of disillusionment with the environment in China and curiosity for the Western world. However, after moving to Amsterdam, curiosity soon turned into a stark reality: egoism, individualism, tribalism, and commercialism, with their utter verbalness, high-profile self-expressions, blatant nonsense, and pettiness in the Western world, keep shocking him.
The deep clash with both the Chinese and Western realities with their irreconcilable contradiction, the narrow and questionable focus in each scientific field he witnessed, and the deep sense of horror for the pervading atmosphere of artificiality and mechanicality in the human world cornered him to inquire into himself deeply and completely.
His consciousness went through a mutation, and a simple fact was revealed to him: the self, the “me”, the ego is the root cause of all human issues and man-made disasters; the self, with its numerous destructive patterns, is a physical danger that the vast majority of people fail to see due to their deep-seated self-centered living.
In the face of this physical danger all over the place, he has no choice but to live what he comes upon by being a light to himself. The gathered energy, which is passion and compassion, let him start the lifelong journey of teaching and sharing (in both English and Chinese) to facilitate human beings to observe themselves completely and see the light.
He sees that he cannot change anyone but only facilitates anyone eager to transform themselves completely. His activities have been wrapped up under “Mindiverse” since 2018. It became a charity in Amsterdam in 2021, which Cico and his collaborator Joyce Liu have been taking care of.
He encountered Laozi in 2019 at the request of some audience to let him explain Tao Te Ching. He immediately captured that he shares the same perception with Laozi, and a one-year-and-half-long podcasting project started in 2021. The project is in Chinese, and recording each episode involves careful preparations worth mentioning.
Joyce checked various versions of Tao Te Ching interpretations and prepared a script that roughly translated the ancient Chinese to the modern Chinese. Cico only read the original text of Tao Te Ching, assisted by some translation to make sure he understood the text literally. All of those were to keep him unaware of any interpretations and, therefore, his perception unaffected. During the recording, Cico explained everything from his direct perception and responded to various interpretations by pointing out the issue directly.
As the project progressed, all the content was gradually available on the internet, and the coherence became increasingly obvious. Therefore, the idea of preparing an English book about Tao Te Ching via Cico’s direct perception and direct translation from Chinese based on the podcast project naturally surfaced.
After various preparations, which lasted more than one year, the first version of this book came into being.
This book is to facilitate anyone earnest and serious in understanding oneself and getting clarity about everything in life.
Admittedly, there are many things to improve in the first version. However, the eagerness to let this book, with its pure perception, be passed on to more people takes precedence over all the others. Various minor issues will be addressed in future versions.
他深知他无法改变任何人,只能辅助那些热切于彻底改变自己的人。从2018 年以来,他所有的活动一直放在“曼谛悟思”名下,并于2021年在阿姆斯特丹成为一个公益机构,由他和他的伙伴Joyce Liu悉心管理。